Superior Japanese Twin Room at Yumiya Komachi in Kyoto

Saturday, March 19, 2011

宮川小町ブログ引越し My blog has moved to a new address


京都 京町家・一棟貸し 宮川小町 ホームページ:

My blog site has been moved to
Miyagawa Komachi, Vacation Rental Home in Kyoto
Thank you!

Japan 日本

Regarding people I know in Sendai where the earthquake incurred, I found all people I know fortunately. However, I still feel pain, and I just pray for the people who lost their lives and their families who are in great pain and sorrow. My thoughts are with them. It is the time to show your kindness.....  I appreciate all the people in abroad helping Japan including my favorite Be Yong Joon, Korean actor, and JYJ (TVXQ), Korean singers.

Miyagawa Komachi Homepage:

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Earthquake in Japan 東日本大地震 9

There was a huge (9) earthquake in Japan yesterday. Fortunately Kyoto (I live) did not have any impact but northern part of Japan had devastating results, especially coastal line of Northern Japan. Sendai is the place people I know live as well as my friend's family. I have been trying to reach them but the line was either disconnected or busy. I am very concerned about them.  My friends who live and work in Tokyo had also impacted of the quake. Many workers were stranded in their offices and stayed overnight there. My friends who were at home told me their frightening experiences.  I sincerely hope that many people could reach their families and friends.


Monday, March 7, 2011

ビストロ スポンタネ (Bistro Spontane)

お食事は勿論美味しかったのですが、サービスも凄く良かった。なんだか久しぶりに高級レストランに行った感じがしたのです。ちなみにランチは2000円からのセットメニューです。ここは、気軽に行けるフレンチビストロですが、テーブルセッテイングも女性が好むような感じです。是非、今度は夜に行ってみたいな。美味しいものを食べるときは、つい写真をとり忘れてしまうのですが、少しだけ撮りましたよ!A casual French Bistro in Miyagawa cho, nearby Miyagwa Komachi. The lunch menu starts from 2000yen with very good meal and services!   

京阪五条より川端通り 東側を北に徒歩3分
京阪四条より川端通り 東側を南に徒歩10分
11:30~14:00 17:30~21:00
TEL: 075-541-5005

京都・町家一棟貸し 宮川小町 ホームページ
Miyagawa Komachi, Vacation Rental Home in Kyoto:

雛祭り Girl's Day 

見てください!子どもの頃の記憶が甦ります。 March  3rd is a girl's day in Japan. We decorate Ohinasama like below (this is a special one though..) at home to celabrate a girl's day in Japan. I remember when I was a child, my parents decorated home with Ohinasama (dolls).  For more detailed information about the girl's day, see at

Miyagawa Komachi Homepage:

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Almost done! あと少しだよん~

Hi, I was too busy to update my blog recently..... but I am doing fine.
The renovation for Miyagawa Komachi, Machiya Rental in Kyoto, is almost done.  I 's supposed to be done in February, but there are always delay for this kind of projects.  I sometime wish that I was in the U.S. so all my friends would come to help me out to get this renovation done quickly.   The builder parts will be done on next Tuesday (finally !), and my part will be done around March 20.  My old friend from Tokyo stay at Miyagawa Komachi  with here daughter on March 17 as a first trial guest.  Hopefully everything will be done by then.  I need to paint for the living room and kitchen next week, and then put Japanese rice papers to the ceilings of the entrance and foyer. It took a while to search a good rice paper for ceilings but I finally found the good one.  New arrivals are washing machine, refrigerator, tatami mattress, and futon. I will upload some more pictures sometime soon!
Miyagawa Komachi Homepage: