I had a wonderful dinner at "Katano" located nearby Sanjo and Kwaramachi-Dori. It is an authentic Japanese restaurant and you cannot get this kind of fine Japanese food outside of Japan. Today's main was Fugu (poison/blow fish) which has to be prepared by a someone who holds a licence to prepare this blow fish. I always feel uneasy when I eat Fugu because there could be a chance that I may die because of the poison from the fish. Oh yes I did not take a photo of the foods at all. It was soo good so I forgot about taking the photos. You have to have a referral to have dinner at this restaurant. It is typically in Kyoto, and you can go to this restaurant as long as you have a referral from one of the customers.
After the dinner, I went to "Tominoi" where many famous Japanese novelist/writer (Kawabata Yasunari, Shiba Ryotaro) and a Nobel prize winner physicist were once their good customers when they were still alive. This restaurant/bar is located in Shin-Monzenmachi- dori and Shirakwa river is running next to this restaurant/bar's building. It was very relaxing especially sitting on a tatami room bar looking over the maple trees with red leaves on it.
長年住んだアメリカより町屋のお宿をオープンする為に京都にやってきました。六波羅蜜寺、建仁寺、花街宮川町にある「宮川小町」は京町家を一軒お貸しする宿泊施設です。2011年11月には、清水寺と祇園近くに大人の方のための京町屋のゲストハウス「弓矢小町」をオープンしました。弓矢小町のホームページはただ今準備中ですが、このサイトもしくは宮川小町ホームページ http://miya-koma.com で情報発信していきます!I moved back to Japan from the U.S. to open a guest house in Kyoto. I finally found a traditional Japanese house called "Machiya" in Kyoto near Gion and Kiyomizu temple. see http://miya-koma.com/blog/) and for Yumiya Komachi, Traditional Japanese Guest House.will update more info

Superior Japanese Twin Room at Yumiya Komachi in Kyoto yumiya.komachi@gmail.com