It is getting cold here....I don't know if I could bear this cold weather in Kyoto. Since I do not have a car anymore and my main transportation is a my Ma-ma-chari (bicycle that used by many Moms in Japan). I used to drive everywhere and minimize the exposure to the cold weather of Chicago and to stay warm inside. Yes, I at least have Taffy (my American cat) to cuddle with.... Taffy usually does not come to me when I go to bed but winter.
I had lunch at Ah-chan's today and she made me Nishin-Udon which was delicious! Yami Yami! As usual, she asked me if everything is all right with my life. She is such a sweet person. I appreciate for all my friends for their friendships and supports. I am very fortunate to have great friends and family. Well, it's a dinner time and I am going to visit Ichiensou ( ) tonight to have Okonomi-yaki with Yashi-san and Sunam-chan.
長年住んだアメリカより町屋のお宿をオープンする為に京都にやってきました。六波羅蜜寺、建仁寺、花街宮川町にある「宮川小町」は京町家を一軒お貸しする宿泊施設です。2011年11月には、清水寺と祇園近くに大人の方のための京町屋のゲストハウス「弓矢小町」をオープンしました。弓矢小町のホームページはただ今準備中ですが、このサイトもしくは宮川小町ホームページ で情報発信していきます!I moved back to Japan from the U.S. to open a guest house in Kyoto. I finally found a traditional Japanese house called "Machiya" in Kyoto near Gion and Kiyomizu temple. see and for Yumiya Komachi, Traditional Japanese Guest House.will update more info

Superior Japanese Twin Room at Yumiya Komachi in Kyoto