Superior Japanese Twin Room at Yumiya Komachi in Kyoto

Monday, February 28, 2011


I got a mail from my friend who used to work at a same company in the U.S. He is now working in Shanghai and is planning a trip to Kyoto with his wife in April.  I am so happy to see him and to hear that he is going to stay at Miyagawa Komachi!  I will try my best to make this trips memorable for them.  I would be their personal tour guide!  I am waiting for you Chester!  
Miyagawa Komachi Homepage:


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kyo Odori, a fabulous dance entertainment by Gisha/Maiko in April 京おどり


Kyo odori, featuring performances by maiko and geiko traditional entertainers,is held in April in Miyagawacho, one of Kyoto's five entertainment districts (other four are: Gion, Ponto-cho, and Kami shichi ken).  This year's program is titled "Koto Shiki no Seiran" , viewing of the four seasons in the ancient capital. 京踊り 2010年 Kyo odori in 2010

Miyagawa Komachi Homepage:

Ready to make a reservation at Miyagawa Komachi, Gion Kyoto, Japan

It's now ready to make a reservation for "Miyagawa Komachi" a vacation rental  located in the heart of Kyoto, Gion.  The rental house will be ready to have customers from April 1 (Fri), 2011.  This traditional Japanese town house is only for one group of customers: family, couples, friends, or by yourself.

 For making a reservation or any inquiry, please visit the homepage at 
Thank you and I look forward to having you at Miyagawa Komachi, Kyoto Japan.

京都町家の一棟貸し 宮川小町の予約受付が始まります!


京都・町家一棟貸し 宮川小町 ホームページ
Miyagawa Komachi, Vacation Rental Home in Kyoto:

Painting project at Miyagawa Komachi, Kyoto vacation rental

Yesterday, my new friends Ms.K and Soba-kun came over to “Miyagawa -Komachi” to help my painting project.  Ms.K did helped me a lot indeed in addition to bringing me sandwiches for lunch. I just felt happy to have someone to chat with while working on my painting project.
I had to call Soba-kun, who came from South Korea to study Japanese language, since Ms.T and I were hopeless using the electronic mixer used for mixing the plaster materials.  I had to mix the materials to make plaster called “Juraku” and had no idea how difficult to mix them well.  It was my first try, and now I have very stiff neck and shoulders at the end of the day. Oh my…..   Soba-kun is actually a photographer as well and his pictures will be appeared  in my blog sometime soon.
Not many Japanese do paint their houses (in and out) and my neighbors were really amazed about me.  People pass by stop in front of the Miyagwa Komachi and say “Oh your place is getting nice”  and I typically start chatting with neighbors to get to know people in town. The Miyagwa Komachi is located in a small alley where many traditional houses are still exist and neighbors are very friendly.
Here is the picture of the Juraku.

Photos of Miyagawa Komachi 宮川小町 町家レンタルの写真

Ms. K took some pictures of Miyagawa Komachi yesterday to upload them to her blog. She is a business woman and operates a school for to be an aloma therapist and a salon for aloma therapy in Kyoto (San-jo) .  Please have a look her homepage and blog:
Ok, if you upload picutures, I had to do it as well…. so here are some photos of my vacation rental.  It is not ready for any pictures yet but just to give you some ideas of the place….





Miyagawa Komachi Homepage:

Saturday, February 19, 2011

ごはん処「矢尾定」 Japanese restaurant YAOSADA, Kyoto

ごはん処「矢尾定」 (京都府京都市下京区新町綾小路上ル四条町361)は京都に引越しする前から来させていただいております。お昼も夜(お酒も)もメニューが充実した所です。私はまだお昼しか寄らせて頂いてないのですが、とっても美味しくてお値段は超お手頃。私のお気に入りは、「具がたっぷり入った散らし寿司」900円と「パリッとした焼塩さば定食」800円と「日替わり定食」700円です。どれを注文してもはずれなしでしょう。 ここは仕出しでも有名です(別店)。このお店は100年以上の京町家を改修されて、素敵な落ち着いた町屋の店となっています。とても羨ましいかぎりです。
でも、なんといってもこの店の魅力は、素敵な和風美人の女将さんと心暖かいご主人です、「おおきに~、有難うございます~」ととて優しい感じで、どのお客様にも接しておいでになるのがこのお店での第一印象でした。気持ちよくお食事が出来る所です。ここに座って、ただ見ているだけでも、私のお宿のお勉強になります。 私が素敵なデザインの入った名刺を作りたいと話ていたら、新鋭のグラフィックデザイナーの方をご紹介いただいたりと、色々お力をお貸しいただいております。どうぞ、これからも宜しくお願い申し上げます!

This is my another favorite Japanese restaurant that is very reasonable price and very good service.  The owner is the 4 th generation of catering company called YAOSADA, and they decided to open a restaurant in 2007. The owner had this traditional Japanese house renovated and made it to beautiful Kyoto Machiya style restaurant. The lunch special is only 700 yen, Chirashi Sushi for 900 yen, Grilled fish for 800 yen, etc. They also open for dinner with many variety of sake. Location: near Karasuma & Shijo

Miyagawa Komachi Homepage:



Designer 新鋭デザイナー

When I saw the post cards and a poster decorated at the restaurant "Yaosada" in Kyoto, I thought it was a female designer who did this work, but it was a man.   He is a charming young graphic designer who is about getting famous (already famous) and he has done some impressive works including for Kao, Takeda, Kentacky Fried Chiken, Kyoto city office, and some restaurants.  How lucky I am! He is currently creating a image design for my vacation rental "Miyagawa Komachi" in Kyoto. It should be appear in the homepage sometime at the beginning of March! I can't wait! His website is  See below for his work.
今回、宮川小町のイメージのデザインをお願いしましたのは、デザイナーの田中小次郎さん(カッコイイ名前)という素敵な男性です!ごはん処「矢尾定」のお店に飾ってあったハガキやポスターをみて、まあ素敵、どんな女性の方が描かれているのかしら~と思いきや男性でした。というわけで、今回ご紹介いただきました。 田中小次郎さんの作品ファイルを見せて頂きましたけど、時代の波に載ったセンスの良いもをデザインされておいでになります。とても印象深い作品は着物を着た可愛い女性の絵・デザインです。でもその他、祇園祭の大舩鉾ボ、京都市内のレストラン、花王、武田薬品、京都市(他沢山)などのポスターやウェブ用のデザインもされてるようです。こんな方にデザインをしていただけてラッキーです。宮川小町のデザインが出来上がるのを楽しみにしててくださいね。小次郎さんの描かれた絵を勝手に載せちゃいました。彼の作品は皆素敵だけど、ちょっと面白いのもあります。彼のウェブサイトをみてみてね。

京都・町家一棟貸し 宮川小町 ホームページ
Miyagawa Komachi, Vacation Rental Home in Kyoto:

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A homepage for "Miyagawa Komachi" vacation rentals is up!


I just want to let everybody know that a homepage for my vacation rentals "Miyagawa Komachi" in Kyoto Japan, is up now. My blog will gradually be transferred to this Homepage as well.

My Homepage is

The homepage does not have much information yet as of now, but it will be filled with more detailed information soon.  I am planning to open the vacation rentals on April 1(Fri) 2011.
Hope to see you soon at Miyagawa Komachi, Kyoto Japan!

京都祇園近く 町家レンタル「宮川小町」のホームページが出来ました!



京町家 一棟貸し 宮川小町ホームページ:
Miyagawa Komachi, Vacation Rental Home in Kyoto

素敵~な京水屋ダンスを見つけました!I got a Japanese Tansu!


I got this beautiful antique Japanese "Tansu" yesterday. This is called "Kyo mizuya dansu" and it is for keeping dishes and cups inside and is placed in a kitchen typically. This type is typical in Kyoto region.  I hope this addition to my vacation rentals "Miyagawa Komachi " makes the place

Friday, February 4, 2011

Keibun-sha, a bookstore in Kyoto けいぶん社

I need to get back to my work, but I want to take a little break now (maybe a long one!). I am going to introduce a very fashionable book store & gift shop & cafe in Ichijoji, northern part of Kyoto city. I like all sort of books they carry including cats book. The also sells gifts items including pre-antique items.


Working hard!

I wanted to upload a picture of Setsubun, but I was not able to go to anywhere this year. I am working on many things at the same time trying to complete my vacation house project.  I wish I have an assistant who can do anything for me.  What I have is my roommate cat "Taffy"

I visited an antique shop briefly today to see a traditional Japanese furniture for the kitchen (for the vacation rental  house), but I am not sure if I really like it and its price. So I have to look for more in next week.  I also stopped at the renovation site,and the bath and toilet are getting close to be finished ( they are completely new) and other parts of work should be done by Feb. 15, I hope.  They were working hard. 

I still need to buy a lot of staff for my vacation house.....a lot. It is like a having a second house so I need everything. But, it is fun to find what I like and decorate it.....this is the fun part of this project!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

節分 Setsubun

今日は2月3日は節分です。京都ではいろいろな所で「鬼は外~、福は内~」と豆まきが行われたようです。舞妓さんの豆まきと踊り、そして獅子舞などが見れる八坂神社にいってきます!と昨日は書いたのですが、残念ながら、行けませんでした。YouTubue に節分の様子がでてるので見てみてください。  豆まき 必見の舞妓踊り

そうです、世の中の多くの人が働いているように、私もお宿の準備で、工務店さんに会ったり、ホームページの準備や、台所に置くアンテイークの水屋を探すのに家具屋さんに電話したりで、結局は行けませんでした。残念。でも、明日は吉田山の節分が、まだやってるから、行って見よう。 実は、もうひとつ行きたい所があったのです。毎年2月2日と3日は、新撰組で有名な京都の壬生寺で行われる壬生狂言 の日です。これにも行くことができず、来年までお預けです。来年は、絶対行くぞ~。( 

"Setsubun" is a "Bean-Throwing Festival/Ceremony" in Japan and is held on February 3rd each year. This ceremony celebrate early spring and is related to a lunar New Year. This ceremony drives evil spirits away of your house as well as out of the new year to come.   Those Maiko in Obake costume is related to Setsubun as well. In old time, people want to hide from the evils and they wear different costume than usual to try not being noticed by the evil.

I am going to Yasaka Shrine tomorrow to see Maiko throwing beans and perform dancing! That's what I wrote yesterday.....Well, I was not able to go to the Setubun event at Yasaka Shrine, Kyoto and Mibu Kyogen today (Kyogen: a traditional Japanese style comedy which is typically performed together with Noh). I was working on my vacation rental project.....I am sure that I would go to next year, definitely.
See how did the Setsubun at Yasaka go..... Setubun at Yasaka Shrine, Kyoto Beautiful and beautiful Japanese odori/dance by Maiko!  Mibu Kyogen at Mibu Temple, Kyoto

節分前夜祭 舞妓の節分お化け Maiko/Geisha in funny costume




Maiko and Geisha of Miyagawa-cho, Gion, wear a different costume than their normal kimono at "Setsubun Festival (Throwing beans to drive away evil spirits out of your home).  This event is held in the night prior to the Setsubun ceremony (Beans throwing ceremony) on February 3rd. The costume could be Kabuki actor, Music Player, etc.  Maiko dressed in a funny costume are very popular at tea houses in Miyagawa-cha/Gion on this night.   If you want to know more about "Setsubun" .....

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

ガチョウの夢 A goose's dream


This song is very inspiring when you are down. People have a different kind of dream...just to have a normal happy life could be one's dream.. Please keep your chin up and hope for your dream comes true one day. Please here (English Subtitle)