その可愛い2人の舞妓さんが、立ち止まって楽しそうにお喋りをしている所を通り過ぎると、なにやら、はるか向こうに見えるは、いつもの舞妓追っかけのカメラを持ったおじさん3人組ではないか。またいるの?なんだか、もうおじさん達の顔覚えちゃいましたよ! ”へ~おじさんも、若い女の子のように追っかけするんだ~”と、最初はびっくりしたけど、雨の日も雪の日もとなると、この追っかけおじさんたちも可愛いもんだと思えてきました(笑い)。次回は写真つきでご紹介?
I saw a Maiko in her casual Kimono when I stepped out of my vacation rental house (Miyagawa Komachi, Gion Kyoto, Japan) and walked through out of a narrow back street to Miyagawa-Suji Street. This Maiko might have gone to a tea ceremony, to a Japanese dance practice or gone for some errands.
After passing this young Keisha apprentice, I saw three older men who were standing in a far distance with their cameras on their hands. Oh, again these three men. I soon noticed these older men who often are standing in front of Miyagawa Kaburenjo (Dance theater where Geisha & Maiko show their dance performance http://www.pref.kyoto.jp/visitkyoto/en/info_required/traditional/kyoto_city/21/ )waiting for Maiko to show up. They basically take Maiko's photos and present it to Maiko, and so on. Yes, they are groopy of Maiko! Really? Guys over 60's???? I first cannot believe that men over 60 are coming to see Maiko very often like a young girl who follows a rock group. But I was impressed when I saw them waiting Maiko to show up in rain and snow.........
長年住んだアメリカより町屋のお宿をオープンする為に京都にやってきました。六波羅蜜寺、建仁寺、花街宮川町にある「宮川小町」は京町家を一軒お貸しする宿泊施設です。2011年11月には、清水寺と祇園近くに大人の方のための京町屋のゲストハウス「弓矢小町」をオープンしました。弓矢小町のホームページはただ今準備中ですが、このサイトもしくは宮川小町ホームページ http://miya-koma.com で情報発信していきます!I moved back to Japan from the U.S. to open a guest house in Kyoto. I finally found a traditional Japanese house called "Machiya" in Kyoto near Gion and Kiyomizu temple. see http://miya-koma.com/blog/) and for Yumiya Komachi, Traditional Japanese Guest House.will update more info

Superior Japanese Twin Room at Yumiya Komachi in Kyoto yumiya.komachi@gmail.com