京都 京町家・一棟貸し 宮川小町 ホームページ:http://miya-koma.com
My blog site has been moved to http://miya-koma.com/blog/
Miyagawa Komachi, Vacation Rental Home in Kyoto
Thank you!
長年住んだアメリカより町屋のお宿をオープンする為に京都にやってきました。六波羅蜜寺、建仁寺、花街宮川町にある「宮川小町」は京町家を一軒お貸しする宿泊施設です。2011年11月には、清水寺と祇園近くに大人の方のための京町屋のゲストハウス「弓矢小町」をオープンしました。弓矢小町のホームページはただ今準備中ですが、このサイトもしくは宮川小町ホームページ http://miya-koma.com で情報発信していきます!I moved back to Japan from the U.S. to open a guest house in Kyoto. I finally found a traditional Japanese house called "Machiya" in Kyoto near Gion and Kiyomizu temple. see http://miya-koma.com/blog/) and for Yumiya Komachi, Traditional Japanese Guest House.will update more info

Superior Japanese Twin Room at Yumiya Komachi in Kyoto yumiya.komachi@gmail.com
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Japan 日本
Regarding people I know in Sendai where the earthquake incurred, I found all people I know fortunately. However, I still feel pain, and I just pray for the people who lost their lives and their families who are in great pain and sorrow. My thoughts are with them. It is the time to show your kindness..... I appreciate all the people in abroad helping Japan including my favorite Be Yong Joon, Korean actor, and JYJ (TVXQ), Korean singers.
Miyagawa Komachi Homepage: http://miya-koma.com
Miyagawa Komachi Homepage: http://miya-koma.com
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Earthquake in Japan 東日本大地震 9
There was a huge (9) earthquake in Japan yesterday. Fortunately Kyoto (I live) did not have any impact but northern part of Japan had devastating results, especially coastal line of Northern Japan. Sendai is the place people I know live as well as my friend's family. I have been trying to reach them but the line was either disconnected or busy. I am very concerned about them. My friends who live and work in Tokyo had also impacted of the quake. Many workers were stranded in their offices and stayed overnight there. My friends who were at home told me their frightening experiences. I sincerely hope that many people could reach their families and friends.
昨日3月11日午後、宮城県沖で過去100年間で最大の震度9の地震を記録しました。ご家族やお友達が東北(震度4~7)そして関東(震度4や5)のお住まいの方は既にご連絡がついている事をお祈りします。私も知人の河野さんや海外に行っているお友達のご両親にメールや電話をしてみたのですが連絡がなかなかつかない状態です。電話回線も混雑もしくは壊れているようです。皆さんが元気でいて下さる事を祈るばかりです。オースのりん君も仙台出身ですが、ご家族と連絡がとれましたか?海外にお住まいで電話連絡手段がなく連絡が取れない方はメールをくださいませ。私の方から連絡を試みてみますので。ここにメールをください。宮川小町 mail@miya-kom.com
昨日3月11日午後、宮城県沖で過去100年間で最大の震度9の地震を記録しました。ご家族やお友達が東北(震度4~7)そして関東(震度4や5)のお住まいの方は既にご連絡がついている事をお祈りします。私も知人の河野さんや海外に行っているお友達のご両親にメールや電話をしてみたのですが連絡がなかなかつかない状態です。電話回線も混雑もしくは壊れているようです。皆さんが元気でいて下さる事を祈るばかりです。オースのりん君も仙台出身ですが、ご家族と連絡がとれましたか?海外にお住まいで電話連絡手段がなく連絡が取れない方はメールをくださいませ。私の方から連絡を試みてみますので。ここにメールをください。宮川小町 mail@miya-kom.com
Monday, March 7, 2011
ビストロ スポンタネ (Bistro Spontane)
お食事は勿論美味しかったのですが、サービスも凄く良かった。なんだか久しぶりに高級レストランに行った感じがしたのです。ちなみにランチは2000円からのセットメニューです。ここは、気軽に行けるフレンチビストロですが、テーブルセッテイングも女性が好むような感じです。是非、今度は夜に行ってみたいな。美味しいものを食べるときは、つい写真をとり忘れてしまうのですが、少しだけ撮りましたよ!A casual French Bistro in Miyagawa cho, nearby Miyagwa Komachi. The lunch menu starts from 2000yen with very good meal and services!

お食事は勿論美味しかったのですが、サービスも凄く良かった。なんだか久しぶりに高級レストランに行った感じがしたのです。ちなみにランチは2000円からのセットメニューです。ここは、気軽に行けるフレンチビストロですが、テーブルセッテイングも女性が好むような感じです。是非、今度は夜に行ってみたいな。美味しいものを食べるときは、つい写真をとり忘れてしまうのですが、少しだけ撮りましたよ!A casual French Bistro in Miyagawa cho, nearby Miyagwa Komachi. The lunch menu starts from 2000yen with very good meal and services!
京都府京都市東山区宮川筋4-321-6 京阪五条より川端通り 東側を北に徒歩3分 月曜日(祝日は営業)・不定休京阪四条より川端通り 東側を南に徒歩10分 11:30~14:00 17:30~21:00 TEL: 075-541-5005 京都・町家一棟貸し 宮川小町 ホームページ Miyagawa Komachi, Vacation Rental Home in Kyoto: http://miya-koma.com |
雛祭り Girl's Day
見てください!子どもの頃の記憶が甦ります。 March 3rd is a girl's day in Japan. We decorate Ohinasama like below (this is a special one though..) at home to celabrate a girl's day in Japan. I remember when I was a child, my parents decorated home with Ohinasama (dolls). For more detailed information about the girl's day, see at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinamatsuri
Miyagawa Komachi Homepage: http://miya-koma.com
見てください!子どもの頃の記憶が甦ります。 March 3rd is a girl's day in Japan. We decorate Ohinasama like below (this is a special one though..) at home to celabrate a girl's day in Japan. I remember when I was a child, my parents decorated home with Ohinasama (dolls). For more detailed information about the girl's day, see at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinamatsuri
Miyagawa Komachi Homepage: http://miya-koma.com
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Almost done! あと少しだよん~
Hi, I was too busy to update my blog recently..... but I am doing fine.
The renovation for Miyagawa Komachi, Machiya Rental in Kyoto, is almost done. I know...it 's supposed to be done in February, but there are always delay for this kind of projects. I sometime wish that I was in the U.S. so all my friends would come to help me out to get this renovation done quickly. The builder parts will be done on next Tuesday (finally !), and my part will be done around March 20. My old friend from Tokyo stay at Miyagawa Komachi with here daughter on March 17 as a first trial guest. Hopefully everything will be done by then. I need to paint for the living room and kitchen next week, and then put Japanese rice papers to the ceilings of the entrance and foyer. It took a while to search a good rice paper for ceilings but I finally found the good one. New arrivals are washing machine, refrigerator, tatami mattress, and futon. I will upload some more pictures sometime soon!
Miyagawa Komachi Homepage: http://miya-koma.com
このところとても忙しくってブログもそっちのけで改装に専念してました。でも、ちょっとがんばり過ぎて、一寸疲れ気味。工務店さんの改装は順調で、来週火曜日には大工さん方面は全部終りますが、私のプロジェクトはやはり遅れ気味です。玄関と2階の一部屋と階段は珪藻土を塗り終わりました!来週は、居間と台所を白の珪藻土で塗ります。それと玄関と1階表の間の天井の和紙貼りが残っています。最後は、2階ベランダの癒しの場づくりですが、盆栽を並べてみようと思ってます。さてどうなることやら。3月17日には東京のお友達がお嬢さんと一緒にトライアル宿泊にやってきます。それまでには終らせなくちゃ!宮川小町ホームページ http://miya-koma.com/
The renovation for Miyagawa Komachi, Machiya Rental in Kyoto, is almost done. I know...it 's supposed to be done in February, but there are always delay for this kind of projects. I sometime wish that I was in the U.S. so all my friends would come to help me out to get this renovation done quickly. The builder parts will be done on next Tuesday (finally !), and my part will be done around March 20. My old friend from Tokyo stay at Miyagawa Komachi with here daughter on March 17 as a first trial guest. Hopefully everything will be done by then. I need to paint for the living room and kitchen next week, and then put Japanese rice papers to the ceilings of the entrance and foyer. It took a while to search a good rice paper for ceilings but I finally found the good one. New arrivals are washing machine, refrigerator, tatami mattress, and futon. I will upload some more pictures sometime soon!
Miyagawa Komachi Homepage: http://miya-koma.com
このところとても忙しくってブログもそっちのけで改装に専念してました。でも、ちょっとがんばり過ぎて、一寸疲れ気味。工務店さんの改装は順調で、来週火曜日には大工さん方面は全部終りますが、私のプロジェクトはやはり遅れ気味です。玄関と2階の一部屋と階段は珪藻土を塗り終わりました!来週は、居間と台所を白の珪藻土で塗ります。それと玄関と1階表の間の天井の和紙貼りが残っています。最後は、2階ベランダの癒しの場づくりですが、盆栽を並べてみようと思ってます。さてどうなることやら。3月17日には東京のお友達がお嬢さんと一緒にトライアル宿泊にやってきます。それまでには終らせなくちゃ!宮川小町ホームページ http://miya-koma.com/
Monday, February 28, 2011
I got a mail from my friend who used to work at a same company in the U.S. He is now working in Shanghai and is planning a trip to Kyoto with his wife in April. I am so happy to see him and to hear that he is going to stay at Miyagawa Komachi! I will try my best to make this trips memorable for them. I would be their personal tour guide! I am waiting for you Chester!
Miyagawa Komachi Homepage: http://miya-koma.com
宮川小町ホームページ http://miya-koma.com
Miyagawa Komachi Homepage: http://miya-koma.com
宮川小町ホームページ http://miya-koma.com
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Kyo Odori, a fabulous dance entertainment by Gisha/Maiko in April 京おどり
Kyo odori, featuring performances by maiko and geiko traditional entertainers,is held in April in Miyagawacho, one of Kyoto's five entertainment districts (other four are: Gion, Ponto-cho, and Kami shichi ken). This year's program is titled "Koto Shiki no Seiran" , viewing of the four seasons in the ancient capital.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMIsAWn8F1o 京踊り 2010年 Kyo odori in 2010
宮川小町ホームページ: http://miya-koma.com
Miyagawa Komachi Homepage: http://miya-koma.com
Kyo odori, featuring performances by maiko and geiko traditional entertainers,is held in April in Miyagawacho, one of Kyoto's five entertainment districts (other four are: Gion, Ponto-cho, and Kami shichi ken). This year's program is titled "Koto Shiki no Seiran" , viewing of the four seasons in the ancient capital.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMIsAWn8F1o 京踊り 2010年 Kyo odori in 2010
宮川小町ホームページ: http://miya-koma.com
Miyagawa Komachi Homepage: http://miya-koma.com
Ready to make a reservation at Miyagawa Komachi, Gion Kyoto, Japan
It's now ready to make a reservation for "Miyagawa Komachi" a vacation rental located in the heart of Kyoto, Gion. The rental house will be ready to have customers from April 1 (Fri), 2011. This traditional Japanese town house is only for one group of customers: family, couples, friends, or by yourself.
For making a reservation or any inquiry, please visit the homepage at http://miya-koma.com/
Thank you and I look forward to having you at Miyagawa Komachi, Kyoto Japan.
For making a reservation or any inquiry, please visit the homepage at http://miya-koma.com/
Thank you and I look forward to having you at Miyagawa Komachi, Kyoto Japan.
京都町家の一棟貸し 宮川小町の予約受付が始まります!
京都・町家一棟貸し 宮川小町 ホームページ
Miyagawa Komachi, Vacation Rental Home in Kyoto: http://miya-koma.com
京都・町家一棟貸し 宮川小町 ホームページ
Miyagawa Komachi, Vacation Rental Home in Kyoto: http://miya-koma.com
Painting project at Miyagawa Komachi, Kyoto vacation rental
Yesterday, my new friends Ms.K and Soba-kun came over to “Miyagawa -Komachi” to help my painting project. Ms.K did helped me a lot indeed in addition to bringing me sandwiches for lunch. I just felt happy to have someone to chat with while working on my painting project.
I had to call Soba-kun, who came from South Korea to study Japanese language, since Ms.T and I were hopeless using the electronic mixer used for mixing the plaster materials. I had to mix the materials to make plaster called “Juraku” and had no idea how difficult to mix them well. It was my first try, and now I have very stiff neck and shoulders at the end of the day. Oh my….. Soba-kun is actually a photographer as well and his pictures will be appeared in my blog sometime soon.
Not many Japanese do paint their houses (in and out) and my neighbors were really amazed about me. People pass by stop in front of the Miyagwa Komachi and say “Oh your place is getting nice” and I typically start chatting with neighbors to get to know people in town. The Miyagwa Komachi is located in a small alley where many traditional houses are still exist and neighbors are very friendly.
Here is the picture of the Juraku.

Not many Japanese do paint their houses (in and out) and my neighbors were really amazed about me. People pass by stop in front of the Miyagwa Komachi and say “Oh your place is getting nice” and I typically start chatting with neighbors to get to know people in town. The Miyagwa Komachi is located in a small alley where many traditional houses are still exist and neighbors are very friendly.
Here is the picture of the Juraku.
Photos of Miyagawa Komachi 宮川小町 町家レンタルの写真
Ms. K took some pictures of Miyagawa Komachi yesterday to upload them to her blog. She is a business woman and operates a school for to be an aloma therapist and a salon for aloma therapy in Kyoto (San-jo) . Please have a look her homepage and blog: http://blue-verdure.jp/ http://sakurai-kazumi-mind.sblo.jp/
Ok, if you upload picutures, I had to do it as well…. so here are some photos of my vacation rental. It is not ready for any pictures yet but just to give you some ideas of the place….
Ok, if you upload picutures, I had to do it as well…. so here are some photos of my vacation rental. It is not ready for any pictures yet but just to give you some ideas of the place….
Miyagawa Komachi Homepage: http://miya-koma.com
Saturday, February 19, 2011
ごはん処「矢尾定」 Japanese restaurant YAOSADA, Kyoto
ごはん処「矢尾定」 (京都府京都市下京区新町綾小路上ル四条町361) http://www.yaosada.com/は京都に引越しする前から来させていただいております。お昼も夜(お酒も)もメニューが充実した所です。私はまだお昼しか寄らせて頂いてないのですが、とっても美味しくてお値段は超お手頃。私のお気に入りは、「具がたっぷり入った散らし寿司」900円と「パリッとした焼塩さば定食」800円と「日替わり定食」700円です。どれを注文してもはずれなしでしょう。 ここは仕出しでも有名です(別店)。このお店は100年以上の京町家を改修されて、素敵な落ち着いた町屋の店となっています。とても羨ましいかぎりです。
でも、なんといってもこの店の魅力は、素敵な和風美人の女将さんと心暖かいご主人です、「おおきに~、有難うございます~」ととて優しい感じで、どのお客様にも接しておいでになるのがこのお店での第一印象でした。気持ちよくお食事が出来る所です。ここに座って、ただ見ているだけでも、私のお宿のお勉強になります。 私が素敵なデザインの入った名刺を作りたいと話ていたら、新鋭のグラフィックデザイナーの方をご紹介いただいたりと、色々お力をお貸しいただいております。どうぞ、これからも宜しくお願い申し上げます!
This is my another favorite Japanese restaurant that is very reasonable price and very good service. The owner is the 4 th generation of catering company called YAOSADA, and they decided to open a restaurant in 2007. The owner had this traditional Japanese house renovated and made it to beautiful Kyoto Machiya style restaurant. The lunch special is only 700 yen, Chirashi Sushi for 900 yen, Grilled fish for 800 yen, etc. They also open for dinner with many variety of sake. Location: near Karasuma & Shijo http://www.yaosada.com/

宮川小町ホームページ: http://miya-koma.com
Miyagawa Komachi Homepage: http://miya-koma.com
でも、なんといってもこの店の魅力は、素敵な和風美人の女将さんと心暖かいご主人です、「おおきに~、有難うございます~」ととて優しい感じで、どのお客様にも接しておいでになるのがこのお店での第一印象でした。気持ちよくお食事が出来る所です。ここに座って、ただ見ているだけでも、私のお宿のお勉強になります。 私が素敵なデザインの入った名刺を作りたいと話ていたら、新鋭のグラフィックデザイナーの方をご紹介いただいたりと、色々お力をお貸しいただいております。どうぞ、これからも宜しくお願い申し上げます!
This is my another favorite Japanese restaurant that is very reasonable price and very good service. The owner is the 4 th generation of catering company called YAOSADA, and they decided to open a restaurant in 2007. The owner had this traditional Japanese house renovated and made it to beautiful Kyoto Machiya style restaurant. The lunch special is only 700 yen, Chirashi Sushi for 900 yen, Grilled fish for 800 yen, etc. They also open for dinner with many variety of sake. Location: near Karasuma & Shijo http://www.yaosada.com/
宮川小町ホームページ: http://miya-koma.com
Miyagawa Komachi Homepage: http://miya-koma.com
Designer 新鋭デザイナー
When I saw the post cards and a poster decorated at the restaurant "Yaosada" in Kyoto, I thought it was a female designer who did this work, but it was a man. He is a charming young graphic designer who is about getting famous (already famous) and he has done some impressive works including for Kao, Takeda, Kentacky Fried Chiken, Kyoto city office, and some restaurants. How lucky I am! He is currently creating a image design for my vacation rental "Miyagawa Komachi" in Kyoto. It should be appear in the homepage sometime at the beginning of March! I can't wait! His website is http://marushin.press.ne.jp/easy_room/ See below for his work.
今回、宮川小町のイメージのデザインをお願いしましたのは、デザイナーの田中小次郎さん(カッコイイ名前)という素敵な男性です!ごはん処「矢尾定」のお店に飾ってあったハガキやポスターをみて、まあ素敵、どんな女性の方が描かれているのかしら~と思いきや男性でした。というわけで、今回ご紹介いただきました。 田中小次郎さんの作品ファイルを見せて頂きましたけど、時代の波に載ったセンスの良いもをデザインされておいでになります。とても印象深い作品は着物を着た可愛い女性の絵・デザインです。でもその他、祇園祭の大舩鉾ボ、京都市内のレストラン、花王、武田薬品、京都市(他沢山)などのポスターやウェブ用のデザインもされてるようです。こんな方にデザインをしていただけてラッキーです。宮川小町のデザインが出来上がるのを楽しみにしててくださいね。小次郎さんの描かれた絵を勝手に載せちゃいました。彼の作品は皆素敵だけど、ちょっと面白いのもあります。彼のウェブサイトをみてみてね。http://marushin.press.ne.jp/easy_room/

京都・町家一棟貸し 宮川小町 ホームページ
Miyagawa Komachi, Vacation Rental Home in Kyoto: http://miya-koma.com
今回、宮川小町のイメージのデザインをお願いしましたのは、デザイナーの田中小次郎さん(カッコイイ名前)という素敵な男性です!ごはん処「矢尾定」のお店に飾ってあったハガキやポスターをみて、まあ素敵、どんな女性の方が描かれているのかしら~と思いきや男性でした。というわけで、今回ご紹介いただきました。 田中小次郎さんの作品ファイルを見せて頂きましたけど、時代の波に載ったセンスの良いもをデザインされておいでになります。とても印象深い作品は着物を着た可愛い女性の絵・デザインです。でもその他、祇園祭の大舩鉾ボ、京都市内のレストラン、花王、武田薬品、京都市(他沢山)などのポスターやウェブ用のデザインもされてるようです。こんな方にデザインをしていただけてラッキーです。宮川小町のデザインが出来上がるのを楽しみにしててくださいね。小次郎さんの描かれた絵を勝手に載せちゃいました。彼の作品は皆素敵だけど、ちょっと面白いのもあります。彼のウェブサイトをみてみてね。http://marushin.press.ne.jp/easy_room/
京都・町家一棟貸し 宮川小町 ホームページ
Miyagawa Komachi, Vacation Rental Home in Kyoto: http://miya-koma.com
Sunday, February 13, 2011
A homepage for "Miyagawa Komachi" vacation rentals is up!
I just want to let everybody know that a homepage for my vacation rentals "Miyagawa Komachi" in Kyoto Japan, is up now. My blog will gradually be transferred to this Homepage as well.
My Homepage is http://miya-koma.com/
The homepage does not have much information yet as of now, but it will be filled with more detailed information soon. I am planning to open the vacation rentals on April 1(Fri) 2011.
Hope to see you soon at Miyagawa Komachi, Kyoto Japan!
I just want to let everybody know that a homepage for my vacation rentals "Miyagawa Komachi" in Kyoto Japan, is up now. My blog will gradually be transferred to this Homepage as well.
My Homepage is http://miya-koma.com/
The homepage does not have much information yet as of now, but it will be filled with more detailed information soon. I am planning to open the vacation rentals on April 1(Fri) 2011.
Hope to see you soon at Miyagawa Komachi, Kyoto Japan!
京都祇園近く 町家レンタル「宮川小町」のホームページが出来ました!
京町家 一棟貸し 宮川小町ホームページ:http://miya-koma.com
Miyagawa Komachi, Vacation Rental Home in Kyoto http://miya-koma.com
京町家 一棟貸し 宮川小町ホームページ:http://miya-koma.com
Miyagawa Komachi, Vacation Rental Home in Kyoto http://miya-koma.com
素敵~な京水屋ダンスを見つけました!I got a Japanese Tansu!
I got this beautiful antique Japanese "Tansu" yesterday. This is called "Kyo mizuya dansu" and it is for keeping dishes and cups inside and is placed in a kitchen typically. This type is typical in Kyoto region. I hope this addition to my vacation rentals "Miyagawa Komachi " http://miya-koma.com makes the place
I got this beautiful antique Japanese "Tansu" yesterday. This is called "Kyo mizuya dansu" and it is for keeping dishes and cups inside and is placed in a kitchen typically. This type is typical in Kyoto region. I hope this addition to my vacation rentals "Miyagawa Komachi " http://miya-koma.com makes the place
Friday, February 4, 2011
Keibun-sha, a bookstore in Kyoto けいぶん社
I need to get back to my work, but I want to take a little break now (maybe a long one!). I am going to introduce a very fashionable book store & gift shop & cafe in Ichijoji, northern part of Kyoto city. I like all sort of books they carry including cats book. The also sells gifts items including pre-antique items.
Working hard!
I wanted to upload a picture of Setsubun, but I was not able to go to anywhere this year. I am working on many things at the same time trying to complete my vacation house project. I wish I have an assistant who can do anything for me. What I have is my roommate cat "Taffy"
I visited an antique shop briefly today to see a traditional Japanese furniture for the kitchen (for the vacation rental house), but I am not sure if I really like it and its price. So I have to look for more in next week. I also stopped at the renovation site,and the bath and toilet are getting close to be finished ( they are completely new) and other parts of work should be done by Feb. 15, I hope. They were working hard.
I still need to buy a lot of staff for my vacation house.....a lot. It is like a having a second house so I need everything. But, it is fun to find what I like and decorate it.....this is the fun part of this project!
I visited an antique shop briefly today to see a traditional Japanese furniture for the kitchen (for the vacation rental house), but I am not sure if I really like it and its price. So I have to look for more in next week. I also stopped at the renovation site,and the bath and toilet are getting close to be finished ( they are completely new) and other parts of work should be done by Feb. 15, I hope. They were working hard.
I still need to buy a lot of staff for my vacation house.....a lot. It is like a having a second house so I need everything. But, it is fun to find what I like and decorate it.....this is the fun part of this project!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
節分 Setsubun
今日は2月3日は節分です。京都ではいろいろな所で「鬼は外~、福は内~」と豆まきが行われたようです。舞妓さんの豆まきと踊り、そして獅子舞などが見れる八坂神社にいってきます!と昨日は書いたのですが、残念ながら、行けませんでした。YouTubue に節分の様子がでてるので見てみてください。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6DO4QGqBjM&feature=related 豆まき
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0qmfwcfk7w 必見の舞妓踊り
そうです、世の中の多くの人が働いているように、私もお宿の準備で、工務店さんに会ったり、ホームページの準備や、台所に置くアンテイークの水屋を探すのに家具屋さんに電話したりで、結局は行けませんでした。残念。でも、明日は吉田山の節分が、まだやってるから、行って見よう。 実は、もうひとつ行きたい所があったのです。毎年2月2日と3日は、新撰組で有名な京都の壬生寺で行われる壬生狂言 の日です。これにも行くことができず、来年までお預けです。来年は、絶対行くぞ~。(http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A3%AC%E7%94%9F%E7%8B%82%E8%A8%80)
"Setsubun" is a "Bean-Throwing Festival/Ceremony" in Japan and is held on February 3rd each year. This ceremony celebrate early spring and is related to a lunar New Year. This ceremony drives evil spirits away of your house as well as out of the new year to come. Those Maiko in Obake costume is related to Setsubun as well. In old time, people want to hide from the evils and they wear different costume than usual to try not being noticed by the evil.
I am going to Yasaka Shrine tomorrow to see Maiko throwing beans and perform dancing! That's what I wrote yesterday.....Well, I was not able to go to the Setubun event at Yasaka Shrine, Kyoto and Mibu Kyogen today (Kyogen: a traditional Japanese style comedy which is typically performed together with Noh). I was working on my vacation rental project.....I am sure that I would go to next year, definitely.
See how did the Setsubun at Yasaka go.....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HonDg7UDhY&feature=fvw Setubun at Yasaka Shrine, Kyoto
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0qmfwcfk7w Beautiful and beautiful Japanese odori/dance by Maiko!
http://www.city.kyoto.jp/koho/eng/kyoto/performing/02.html) Mibu Kyogen at Mibu Temple, Kyoto
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6DO4QGqBjM&feature=related 豆まき
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0qmfwcfk7w 必見の舞妓踊り
そうです、世の中の多くの人が働いているように、私もお宿の準備で、工務店さんに会ったり、ホームページの準備や、台所に置くアンテイークの水屋を探すのに家具屋さんに電話したりで、結局は行けませんでした。残念。でも、明日は吉田山の節分が、まだやってるから、行って見よう。 実は、もうひとつ行きたい所があったのです。毎年2月2日と3日は、新撰組で有名な京都の壬生寺で行われる壬生狂言 の日です。これにも行くことができず、来年までお預けです。来年は、絶対行くぞ~。(http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A3%AC%E7%94%9F%E7%8B%82%E8%A8%80)
"Setsubun" is a "Bean-Throwing Festival/Ceremony" in Japan and is held on February 3rd each year. This ceremony celebrate early spring and is related to a lunar New Year. This ceremony drives evil spirits away of your house as well as out of the new year to come. Those Maiko in Obake costume is related to Setsubun as well. In old time, people want to hide from the evils and they wear different costume than usual to try not being noticed by the evil.
I am going to Yasaka Shrine tomorrow to see Maiko throwing beans and perform dancing! That's what I wrote yesterday.....Well, I was not able to go to the Setubun event at Yasaka Shrine, Kyoto and Mibu Kyogen today (Kyogen: a traditional Japanese style comedy which is typically performed together with Noh). I was working on my vacation rental project.....I am sure that I would go to next year, definitely.
See how did the Setsubun at Yasaka go.....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HonDg7UDhY&feature=fvw Setubun at Yasaka Shrine, Kyoto
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0qmfwcfk7w Beautiful and beautiful Japanese odori/dance by Maiko!
http://www.city.kyoto.jp/koho/eng/kyoto/performing/02.html) Mibu Kyogen at Mibu Temple, Kyoto
節分前夜祭 舞妓の節分お化け Maiko/Geisha in funny costume
Maiko and Geisha of Miyagawa-cho, Gion, wear a different costume than their normal kimono at "Setsubun Festival (Throwing beans to drive away evil spirits out of your home). This event is held in the night prior to the Setsubun ceremony (Beans throwing ceremony) on February 3rd. The costume could be Kabuki actor, Music Player, etc. Maiko dressed in a funny costume are very popular at tea houses in Miyagawa-cha/Gion on this night. If you want to know more about "Setsubun" ..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setsubun
Maiko and Geisha of Miyagawa-cho, Gion, wear a different costume than their normal kimono at "Setsubun Festival (Throwing beans to drive away evil spirits out of your home). This event is held in the night prior to the Setsubun ceremony (Beans throwing ceremony) on February 3rd. The costume could be Kabuki actor, Music Player, etc. Maiko dressed in a funny costume are very popular at tea houses in Miyagawa-cha/Gion on this night. If you want to know more about "Setsubun" ..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setsubun
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
ガチョウの夢 A goose's dream
This song is very inspiring when you are down. People have a different kind of dream...just to have a normal happy life could be one's dream.. Please keep your chin up and hope for your dream comes true one day. Please listen....click here
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SU-pPI_nbPo&feature=related (English Subtitle)
This song is very inspiring when you are down. People have a different kind of dream...just to have a normal happy life could be one's dream.. Please keep your chin up and hope for your dream comes true one day. Please listen....click here
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SU-pPI_nbPo&feature=related (English Subtitle)
Monday, January 31, 2011
午後は、いつもの木彫りのクラスでした。今日は最初から最後まで宮川町のお宿「宮川小町」の事ばかりお喋りしちゃいました。すみません。マダムの皆様は、私のお話をしっかり聞いて下さり、いろいろなアイデイアを下さったりと楽しい時間が流れていきました。町屋のお宿「宮川小町」の屋号も木彫りにして玄関前に置いたらどうかしらとか、いろいろです。いいですね!でも誰が彫るの??? そして、話の流れで、お宿のオープンには、なんと、月曜日と金曜日の木彫りのクラスのマダムの皆さまを宮川町のお宿にご招待となりました。なんだか最近はお喋りや、お菓子や御茶のほうが楽しくなってしまって、ついつい木彫りがおろそかになっています。いつになったら彫り終わるやら。
舞妓追っかけおじさん Maiko Groopy?
その可愛い2人の舞妓さんが、立ち止まって楽しそうにお喋りをしている所を通り過ぎると、なにやら、はるか向こうに見えるは、いつもの舞妓追っかけのカメラを持ったおじさん3人組ではないか。またいるの?なんだか、もうおじさん達の顔覚えちゃいましたよ! ”へ~おじさんも、若い女の子のように追っかけするんだ~”と、最初はびっくりしたけど、雨の日も雪の日もとなると、この追っかけおじさんたちも可愛いもんだと思えてきました(笑い)。次回は写真つきでご紹介?
I saw a Maiko in her casual Kimono when I stepped out of my vacation rental house (Miyagawa Komachi, Gion Kyoto, Japan) and walked through out of a narrow back street to Miyagawa-Suji Street. This Maiko might have gone to a tea ceremony, to a Japanese dance practice or gone for some errands.
After passing this young Keisha apprentice, I saw three older men who were standing in a far distance with their cameras on their hands. Oh, again these three men. I soon noticed these older men who often are standing in front of Miyagawa Kaburenjo (Dance theater where Geisha & Maiko show their dance performance http://www.pref.kyoto.jp/visitkyoto/en/info_required/traditional/kyoto_city/21/ )waiting for Maiko to show up. They basically take Maiko's photos and present it to Maiko, and so on. Yes, they are groopy of Maiko! Really? Guys over 60's???? I first cannot believe that men over 60 are coming to see Maiko very often like a young girl who follows a rock group. But I was impressed when I saw them waiting Maiko to show up in rain and snow.........
その可愛い2人の舞妓さんが、立ち止まって楽しそうにお喋りをしている所を通り過ぎると、なにやら、はるか向こうに見えるは、いつもの舞妓追っかけのカメラを持ったおじさん3人組ではないか。またいるの?なんだか、もうおじさん達の顔覚えちゃいましたよ! ”へ~おじさんも、若い女の子のように追っかけするんだ~”と、最初はびっくりしたけど、雨の日も雪の日もとなると、この追っかけおじさんたちも可愛いもんだと思えてきました(笑い)。次回は写真つきでご紹介?
I saw a Maiko in her casual Kimono when I stepped out of my vacation rental house (Miyagawa Komachi, Gion Kyoto, Japan) and walked through out of a narrow back street to Miyagawa-Suji Street. This Maiko might have gone to a tea ceremony, to a Japanese dance practice or gone for some errands.
After passing this young Keisha apprentice, I saw three older men who were standing in a far distance with their cameras on their hands. Oh, again these three men. I soon noticed these older men who often are standing in front of Miyagawa Kaburenjo (Dance theater where Geisha & Maiko show their dance performance http://www.pref.kyoto.jp/visitkyoto/en/info_required/traditional/kyoto_city/21/ )waiting for Maiko to show up. They basically take Maiko's photos and present it to Maiko, and so on. Yes, they are groopy of Maiko! Really? Guys over 60's???? I first cannot believe that men over 60 are coming to see Maiko very often like a young girl who follows a rock group. But I was impressed when I saw them waiting Maiko to show up in rain and snow.........
Thai Restaurant "BAAN THAI" タイレストラン「バーン タイ」
It's Sunday. I usually do not dining out for dinner by myself, but I did today after the tiring treasure hunt.
On the way to Miyagawa Komachi, Gion Miyagawa-cho, I found this Thai restaurant, BAAN THAI" at Kawaramachi Gojo. I ordered "Pad Thai" for 950 yen (USD 12.00) and it taste like the one I had in Thailand. It was very good. The restaurant was opened about 4 months ago so that there were not many customers as you see my photos (there were some but you cannot see), but I am sure they will catch up soon. The curry someone was eating smell so~ good as well.
When I entered this restaurant, I saw an old man with definitely Thai origin and a woman (owner) and a girl sitting at the corner table writing something. Oh yes, I see a Japanese man serving other customers. This atmosphere is exactly Thai to me..... I will come back again for curry for lunch next time.
今日は日曜日、宝探しで疲れてしまって、晩御飯をつくる元気がないので、京都河原町五条のタイ人の作るタイレストラン「バーン タイ」へ行ってきました。ここは、たまたま入った所だけど、店に入った途端にタイにいるような錯覚を覚えました。タイ人の女性オーナー、タイから来たお父さん、そしてレストラン内で遊んでいる女の子(オーナーのお子さん)がいたりして、家族経営という感じでほのぼのしていて良かったです。今日は、「パッタイ」を食べたけどタイで食べた味と同じでおいしかったです。近くのテーブルの人が食べてたカレー(多分グリーンカリー)の匂いがとても食欲をそそりました(パッタイを食べたばかりでも!)次回は、どなたかを御誘いしていきたいです。
On the way to Miyagawa Komachi, Gion Miyagawa-cho, I found this Thai restaurant, BAAN THAI" at Kawaramachi Gojo. I ordered "Pad Thai" for 950 yen (USD 12.00) and it taste like the one I had in Thailand. It was very good. The restaurant was opened about 4 months ago so that there were not many customers as you see my photos (there were some but you cannot see), but I am sure they will catch up soon. The curry someone was eating smell so~ good as well.
When I entered this restaurant, I saw an old man with definitely Thai origin and a woman (owner) and a girl sitting at the corner table writing something. Oh yes, I see a Japanese man serving other customers. This atmosphere is exactly Thai to me..... I will come back again for curry for lunch next time.
今日は日曜日、宝探しで疲れてしまって、晩御飯をつくる元気がないので、京都河原町五条のタイ人の作るタイレストラン「バーン タイ」へ行ってきました。ここは、たまたま入った所だけど、店に入った途端にタイにいるような錯覚を覚えました。タイ人の女性オーナー、タイから来たお父さん、そしてレストラン内で遊んでいる女の子(オーナーのお子さん)がいたりして、家族経営という感じでほのぼのしていて良かったです。今日は、「パッタイ」を食べたけどタイで食べた味と同じでおいしかったです。近くのテーブルの人が食べてたカレー(多分グリーンカリー)の匂いがとても食欲をそそりました(パッタイを食べたばかりでも!)次回は、どなたかを御誘いしていきたいです。
Pad Thai, my favorite |
The restaurant, You could see a girl playing at the table, cute! This is definitely a family business that I like! |
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Treasure hunt! お宝探し!
I went to a treasure hunt today without expecting anything, so I just brought a small bag with me.
I happened to meet this nice lady who lives in Tokyo and Kyoto decided to sell her parent's house in Kyoto. The house is huge Machiya but its face was changed to a modern concrete style. She sold this house since no one wanted to rent this huge house. Anyway, she asked me if I wanted to visit her parent's house to see anything I like to have. She added, well all the good staff are already gone since some antique dealers and her friends have already taken many good items. Well, she still has a lot of staff and I wonder how she is going to throw everything away. It costs to dump things in Japan, not a cheap. I found some nice items like miniature base from famous places, tray, Japanese tea cups, plant pots, and etc. I am glad that I was able to save those items otherwise they would be thrown away. Well, Japan become so wealthy regarding "staff" or "things", but I am not sure if we really have a high quality of life and if we are content in our mind/heart.....
I happened to meet this nice lady who lives in Tokyo and Kyoto decided to sell her parent's house in Kyoto. The house is huge Machiya but its face was changed to a modern concrete style. She sold this house since no one wanted to rent this huge house. Anyway, she asked me if I wanted to visit her parent's house to see anything I like to have. She added, well all the good staff are already gone since some antique dealers and her friends have already taken many good items. Well, she still has a lot of staff and I wonder how she is going to throw everything away. It costs to dump things in Japan, not a cheap. I found some nice items like miniature base from famous places, tray, Japanese tea cups, plant pots, and etc. I am glad that I was able to save those items otherwise they would be thrown away. Well, Japan become so wealthy regarding "staff" or "things", but I am not sure if we really have a high quality of life and if we are content in our mind/heart.....
昨日は、比叡山のお膝元、京都上高野の公民館みたいな所で地域の方々で行われたバザーにあーちゃんに連れて行っていただきました。何かいいものないかいな~という感じで出かけていきましたが、本命は他にあったのです。木彫りで時々ごいっしょする岸さんのお作りされる丁稚羊羹です。噂のごとく、美味しいの一言。そして会場でいただいたお善哉とお漬物は、病み付きになりそうでした。 そして、なんたって良かったのがお野菜売り場です。大きな丸大根や、もう食べちゃった本当の野菜の味がする菜の花や京水菜はとっても美味しかったです.
![]() |
Vegitable are on sale and are so fresh...バザーで売られてたお野菜たちです。 |
Saturday, January 29, 2011
京町家レンタル 宮川小町への予約 Making a reservation for Miyagawa Komachi, Kyoto
只今、京都町屋の一軒貸しのお宿、宮川小町のホームページを作成しております。そちらの方から宿泊の予約が可能となります。お宿のオープンは2011年4月1日を予定しており、そして予約開始を3月中旬頃と考えております。お宿の工事の進行具合によっては多少の変更もあるかと思いますので、また追ってお知らせいたします。詳細はホームページまで http://miya-koma.com/
The home-page for Miyagawa Komachi , vacation rental in Kyoto, Japan, is in progress now and will be ready to make a reservation via Internet starting around mid March 2011. The vacation rental will be ready to open around April 1, 2011, and I will let you know as soon as it's finalized!!! See the homepage at http://miya-koma.com/ Thank you!
The home-page for Miyagawa Komachi , vacation rental in Kyoto, Japan, is in progress now and will be ready to make a reservation via Internet starting around mid March 2011. The vacation rental will be ready to open around April 1, 2011, and I will let you know as soon as it's finalized!!! See the homepage at http://miya-koma.com/ Thank you!
アンテイークとカフェ 「それから」 Cafe and Antique "Sorekara"
Cafe and antique "Sorekara" at Teramachi street 「それから」の玄関から表の間
京都・町家一棟貸し 宮川小町 ホームページ
Miyagawa Komachi, Vacation Rental Home in Kyoto: http://miya-koma.com
京都・町家一棟貸し 宮川小町 ホームページ
Miyagawa Komachi, Vacation Rental Home in Kyoto: http://miya-koma.com
釣具屋さんの猫 ミーちゃん A city cat "Me"
こんな車の通りの多い所で、危ないじゃない?と思って話かけていると、ご近所さんが通りがかられ一言 「このミーちゃんはお散歩中なのよ。だから心配しないで~」へえ~お散歩中ね? このミーちゃんは毎日この川端どおりを南北に約30mぐらい散歩するそうだ。ボーイフレンドに会いに行くのかしら?それ以上遠くへは行かないそうだ。とても人なっつこい猫なので、時々歩いている人に警察まで迷い猫として届けられるそうです。警察の方は、またかいな~って感じ? かわいいミーちゃん!うちのタフィーもこうやってお散歩できるといいのにな!
A cat of a fishing tool shop in Kyoto named "Me" is a city cat. She takes a walk everyday along the Kawabata-Dori, rather busy street. Her walking route is only for 30m from her home toward north. Is she going to meet her boyfriend? It is rare for cat to take a walk nearby such a busy street so people think that she gets lost, so she sometimes being taken to the nearby police station! The police says, you again??? funny cat!
こんな車の通りの多い所で、危ないじゃない?と思って話かけていると、ご近所さんが通りがかられ一言 「このミーちゃんはお散歩中なのよ。だから心配しないで~」へえ~お散歩中ね? このミーちゃんは毎日この川端どおりを南北に約30mぐらい散歩するそうだ。ボーイフレンドに会いに行くのかしら?それ以上遠くへは行かないそうだ。とても人なっつこい猫なので、時々歩いている人に警察まで迷い猫として届けられるそうです。警察の方は、またかいな~って感じ? かわいいミーちゃん!うちのタフィーもこうやってお散歩できるといいのにな!
A cat of a fishing tool shop in Kyoto named "Me" is a city cat. She takes a walk everyday along the Kawabata-Dori, rather busy street. Her walking route is only for 30m from her home toward north. Is she going to meet her boyfriend? It is rare for cat to take a walk nearby such a busy street so people think that she gets lost, so she sometimes being taken to the nearby police station! The police says, you again??? funny cat!
I am taking a walk now. Don't bother me....
The neighborhood lady and "Me" taking a walk together...
Friday, January 28, 2011
今日の収穫!Some more additions!
I got some additional items for my vacation rental house, Miyagawa Komachi, today. One is an old traditional Japanese umbrella which were/are used by Geisha, Maiko, or people who wear Kimono. I am going to put this umbrella at the entrance. The other one is called Cesar which protect people/house from evil. This Cesar are actually from Okinawa. I think that I am going to put this little cute one near the front entrance to protect my home from bad sprit. In Kyoto, we have similar little statue called "Shoki-san" which protects a home from bad spirit as well.....
I got some additional items for my vacation rental house, Miyagawa Komachi, today. One is an old traditional Japanese umbrella which were/are used by Geisha, Maiko, or people who wear Kimono. I am going to put this umbrella at the entrance. The other one is called Cesar which protect people/house from evil. This Cesar are actually from Okinawa. I think that I am going to put this little cute one near the front entrance to protect my home from bad sprit. In Kyoto, we have similar little statue called "Shoki-san" which protects a home from bad spirit as well.....
お茶 Tea
I used to drink a lot of coffee when I was living in Chicago. I may be stressed with my work all the time. Now? I drink tea a lot: green tea, green powder tea (maccha), and hoji-tea (brown tea). When I was a child, tea was like a water for me. My family drink tea all the time, at the time of every meal, at afternoon tea time, or when we get thirsty. Yes, Japan produces variety of very fine tea with reasonable prices. We also practice tea ceremony which serve very fine green powder tea from a tip of tea trees.
Anyway, I bought two types of tea from "Ryuouen": one is "Asahi' green tea and the other is "Koetsu" of Karigane hoji-cha (my favorite brown tea). There are many famous tea stores (including production), such as, Ippodo, Fukujuen, so on. I used to practice tea ceremony, and my teacher used to say that this tea is from XXXX and XXX, but I could not tell the differences. I still can not distinguish which tea is from which store.....they are all good for me.
I used to drink a lot of coffee when I was living in Chicago. I may be stressed with my work all the time. Now? I drink tea a lot: green tea, green powder tea (maccha), and hoji-tea (brown tea). When I was a child, tea was like a water for me. My family drink tea all the time, at the time of every meal, at afternoon tea time, or when we get thirsty. Yes, Japan produces variety of very fine tea with reasonable prices. We also practice tea ceremony which serve very fine green powder tea from a tip of tea trees.
Anyway, I bought two types of tea from "Ryuouen": one is "Asahi' green tea and the other is "Koetsu" of Karigane hoji-cha (my favorite brown tea). There are many famous tea stores (including production), such as, Ippodo, Fukujuen, so on. I used to practice tea ceremony, and my teacher used to say that this tea is from XXXX and XXX, but I could not tell the differences. I still can not distinguish which tea is from which store.....they are all good for me.
Inside of the tea store, Ryuouen, Kyoto. The pots lined at the shelves are fine green powder tea used for tea ceremony. 柳桜園の店内、京都 |
A selection of teas at Ryuouen, Kyoto いろいろな柳桜園のお茶 |
I bought green tea "Asahi" and Hoji-tea "Kariganecha" 私の好きなかりがねほうじ茶の「香悦」と緑茶の「朝日」はお店のお薦めだそう。 |
京都 とっても美味しい「徳寿(のりひさ)」 "Norihisa", Japanese restaurant in Kyoto
Again, I should have gone to this fantastic fine Japanese restaurant earlier. The Kaiseki style bento-box starts from 1500 yen (USD20.00) only. The ingredient they use are not cheap at all....how could they possibly provide such a fine meal with this price? I will definitely go to this restaurant within a week for sure. http://www.norihisa.jp/menu.html
京都・町家一棟貸し 宮川小町 ホームページ
Miyagawa Komachi, Vacation Rental Home in Kyoto: http://miya-koma.com
Again, I should have gone to this fantastic fine Japanese restaurant earlier. The Kaiseki style bento-box starts from 1500 yen (USD20.00) only. The ingredient they use are not cheap at all....how could they possibly provide such a fine meal with this price? I will definitely go to this restaurant within a week for sure. http://www.norihisa.jp/menu.html
京都・町家一棟貸し 宮川小町 ホームページ
Miyagawa Komachi, Vacation Rental Home in Kyoto: http://miya-koma.com
雪 Snow
It's snowing in Kyoto this morning....
It's snowing in Kyoto this morning....
Thursday, January 27, 2011
新燃岳の噴火 Mt.Shinmoedake Eruption
鹿児島と宮崎の県境にあるとても美しい霧島連峰の一つ、新燃岳が今日27日に大噴火しました幸いにも、人命への影響はなかったようです。 (写真http://mainichi.jp/select/jiken/graph/20120126/ 映像http://news.tbs.co.jp/newseye/tbs_newseye4635685.html http://news.tbs.co.jp/newseye/tbs_newseye4635683.html)。
”ようこそ宮崎” のサイトによると、最近の火山活動としては昭和34年 (1959年)に2回の噴火があったそうです。新燃岳の斜面には霧島連山随一といわれた、ミヤマキリシマの大群落があり、そのときの噴火でかなり打撃をうけたそうです。1959年の噴火以前の新燃岳は美しい水をたたえ、火口壁には緑の樹林もあったそうです。今回の噴火ではどうなったのでしょうか。霧島連山は活動火山ですが、登山愛好家が登られる韓国岳や私もキャンプに行った事のある森の中の神秘的で美しい御池の湖はそのままでいてくれたらよいのですが。。”ようこそ宮崎”のサイト http://www.0503ak1025.net/kirisima.html に掲載してあります美しい大自然の霧島連山をご覧ください。
The eruption occurred at Mt. Shinmoedake in Miyazaki/Kagoshima yesterday and today. Miyazaki is my hometown... It was a big erruption (2500m high smoke). The last eruption occurred was 52 years ago. Mt. Shinmoedake is one of the Kirishima Mountain Range and is an active volcano. My parent's is about an hour away by drive so it does not a direct effect, but still they can feel the vibration of windows and rumbling from the mountain.
My niece called me today to tell about the big eruption. The vibration of windows and rumbling started in the late night of 26th, and my family did not know what was going on, but Merry (family dog) kept crying and barking unusually. In the morning, the small eruption occurred at Mt. Shimonoedake. The vibration of the windows are still the same as of now. My niece was so scared that she had to go to her grandma's house for study her homework. A night has passed but nothing has changed....then a big eruption with enormous noise occurred around 4 pm today (see link above). My mom was at supermarket at the time of the eruption, and all the people in the store dashed out when they heard the sound of the eruption. The volcano is still burning.....the color of the mountain nearby my parents changed to red color reflecting the active volcano, Mt.Shinmoedake. Hope Shinmoetake will be calm down soon...... No one injured as far as I know.
Below are beautiful photos of Kirishima Mountain Range including Mt. Shinmoedake.
Mysterious Lake Mi-Ike where I did camping when I was a junior high
Owesome view of Kirishima Mountain Range in Miyazaki/Kagoshima in Kyushu
”ようこそ宮崎” のサイトによると、最近の火山活動としては昭和34年 (1959年)に2回の噴火があったそうです。新燃岳の斜面には霧島連山随一といわれた、ミヤマキリシマの大群落があり、そのときの噴火でかなり打撃をうけたそうです。1959年の噴火以前の新燃岳は美しい水をたたえ、火口壁には緑の樹林もあったそうです。今回の噴火ではどうなったのでしょうか。霧島連山は活動火山ですが、登山愛好家が登られる韓国岳や私もキャンプに行った事のある森の中の神秘的で美しい御池の湖はそのままでいてくれたらよいのですが。。”ようこそ宮崎”のサイト http://www.0503ak1025.net/kirisima.html に掲載してあります美しい大自然の霧島連山をご覧ください。
The eruption occurred at Mt. Shinmoedake in Miyazaki/Kagoshima yesterday and today. Miyazaki is my hometown... It was a big erruption (2500m high smoke). The last eruption occurred was 52 years ago. Mt. Shinmoedake is one of the Kirishima Mountain Range and is an active volcano. My parent's is about an hour away by drive so it does not a direct effect, but still they can feel the vibration of windows and rumbling from the mountain.
My niece called me today to tell about the big eruption. The vibration of windows and rumbling started in the late night of 26th, and my family did not know what was going on, but Merry (family dog) kept crying and barking unusually. In the morning, the small eruption occurred at Mt. Shimonoedake. The vibration of the windows are still the same as of now. My niece was so scared that she had to go to her grandma's house for study her homework. A night has passed but nothing has changed....then a big eruption with enormous noise occurred around 4 pm today (see link above). My mom was at supermarket at the time of the eruption, and all the people in the store dashed out when they heard the sound of the eruption. The volcano is still burning.....the color of the mountain nearby my parents changed to red color reflecting the active volcano, Mt.Shinmoedake. Hope Shinmoetake will be calm down soon...... No one injured as far as I know.
Below are beautiful photos of Kirishima Mountain Range including Mt. Shinmoedake.
Mysterious Lake Mi-Ike where I did camping when I was a junior high
Owesome view of Kirishima Mountain Range in Miyazaki/Kagoshima in Kyushu
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
素晴らしい事 What a wonderful day!
一つは、仙台からお知り合いのご夫婦がおいでになり楽しい時間を過ごさせて頂いた事。そしてもう一つは素敵な女性とお知り合いになった事。「ラ. シーン」(京都市上京区梨木通今出川下ル染殿町T'sガーデン内)というブッテックと雑貨のお店のオーナーの伊藤さんです。京都御所の東側の閑静な住宅地にあるカフェ Maple Tree の奥のテーブル席から見える「ラ. シーン」の素敵なショーウィンドウに見せられて中に吸い込まれていったのです。伊藤さんご自身でお作りになったセンスある苔の植木鉢がさりげなく飾ってありました。まあ~素敵~の乱発に、なんと一つの鉢を宮川町のお宿のオープンのお祝いにとプレゼントして頂いたのです。信じられない!まさか~なんて言いながら、お調子者の私は頂いてしまったのです。お返しはどうしよう。。。。
I again missed the Tenjin flea market at Kitano Tenmangu today. http://www.kitanotenmangu.or.jp/news/25.html I have never had a chance to go this antique market, but I had a wonderful day today. First, I had a relaxing lunch with my friends in Kyoto and Sendai (northern part of Japan). Second, I met a very kind and sweet woman who runs a high-end boutique called "La Sean" located near the Kyoto Imperial Palace. She decorates her shop with artistic green plants that covered with blight green moss. I just fell in love with these plants . Guess what happened, she gave me one of them to congratulate for opening my vacation rental house. Well, what can I say..... She may have seen herself in me when she had just started her own business..... I am going to visit her again soon to thank her. Kyoto is very interesting place for me so far and am definitely going to live this ancient city for a long time.
一つは、仙台からお知り合いのご夫婦がおいでになり楽しい時間を過ごさせて頂いた事。そしてもう一つは素敵な女性とお知り合いになった事。「ラ. シーン」(京都市上京区梨木通今出川下ル染殿町T'sガーデン内)というブッテックと雑貨のお店のオーナーの伊藤さんです。京都御所の東側の閑静な住宅地にあるカフェ Maple Tree の奥のテーブル席から見える「ラ. シーン」の素敵なショーウィンドウに見せられて中に吸い込まれていったのです。伊藤さんご自身でお作りになったセンスある苔の植木鉢がさりげなく飾ってありました。まあ~素敵~の乱発に、なんと一つの鉢を宮川町のお宿のオープンのお祝いにとプレゼントして頂いたのです。信じられない!まさか~なんて言いながら、お調子者の私は頂いてしまったのです。お返しはどうしよう。。。。
I again missed the Tenjin flea market at Kitano Tenmangu today. http://www.kitanotenmangu.or.jp/news/25.html I have never had a chance to go this antique market, but I had a wonderful day today. First, I had a relaxing lunch with my friends in Kyoto and Sendai (northern part of Japan). Second, I met a very kind and sweet woman who runs a high-end boutique called "La Sean" located near the Kyoto Imperial Palace. She decorates her shop with artistic green plants that covered with blight green moss. I just fell in love with these plants . Guess what happened, she gave me one of them to congratulate for opening my vacation rental house. Well, what can I say..... She may have seen herself in me when she had just started her own business..... I am going to visit her again soon to thank her. Kyoto is very interesting place for me so far and am definitely going to live this ancient city for a long time.
なんとこの素敵な鉢をいただきました!有難うございます。This is the pot she gave me... |
この鉢も素敵~ This is such a beautiful color...love it. |
伊藤さんのお店「ラ. シーン」です。This is her boutique located nearby Kyoto Imperial Palace. |
Monday, January 24, 2011
京町家のお宿「宮川小町」改修工事順調です! The renovation is in progress!
あっという間に夕飯の時間がきてしまいました。いつも基本的にお昼は外食と決めている私ですが、今日は外食しなかったので、「夜は外食できるね」とお友達のあーちゃんに誘っていただいて、京都左京区上高野のとんかつ専門店「いなみ」さんで牡蠣フライと野菜巻きを食べてきました。 とんかつの”たれ”がとっても美味しいし、定食にはサラダ、お味噌汁、ちょっとした佃煮みたいな物がついて、そしてご飯はおかわりが出来で1000円から1500円。美味しかったです。幸せ~。
Today is one of those day that had gone so quickly. I have not done anything....just brought the mirror and the blue base I purchased the other day to my vacation rental house in Miyagawa-cho, Gion. I saw a carpenter working hard.... I gave him a cap of coffee and rice cookie for break. Since this house is a traditional Japanese house called "Machiya", there are some difficulties in this renovation. This is a terrace house, so we need to consider our neighbor as well. Hope everything goes well.
京都・町家一棟貸し 宮川小町 ホームページ
Miyagawa Komachi, Vacation Rental Home in Kyoto: http://miya-koma.com
あっという間に夕飯の時間がきてしまいました。いつも基本的にお昼は外食と決めている私ですが、今日は外食しなかったので、「夜は外食できるね」とお友達のあーちゃんに誘っていただいて、京都左京区上高野のとんかつ専門店「いなみ」さんで牡蠣フライと野菜巻きを食べてきました。 とんかつの”たれ”がとっても美味しいし、定食にはサラダ、お味噌汁、ちょっとした佃煮みたいな物がついて、そしてご飯はおかわりが出来で1000円から1500円。美味しかったです。幸せ~。
Today is one of those day that had gone so quickly. I have not done anything....just brought the mirror and the blue base I purchased the other day to my vacation rental house in Miyagawa-cho, Gion. I saw a carpenter working hard.... I gave him a cap of coffee and rice cookie for break. Since this house is a traditional Japanese house called "Machiya", there are some difficulties in this renovation. This is a terrace house, so we need to consider our neighbor as well. Hope everything goes well.
京都・町家一棟貸し 宮川小町 ホームページ
Miyagawa Komachi, Vacation Rental Home in Kyoto: http://miya-koma.com
あなたは目か肥えてるわね~いつもいいものを買っていくわ~とまだ2回しか買っていないお店の方に言われました???I found a small mirror stand and a round turquoise blue base for my vacation rental house. |
JYJ(東方神起TVXQ)のお土産ありがとう!Thanks for the JYJ present!
さて、このNature Republic in JYJというカレンダー、まあ素敵!東方神起(JYJ)は歌も踊りも日本語も上手な努力家のエンターテイナーです。彼らの歌がこれまたセクシーで切なくてそして活気があり好きなのです。残念ながら一度もコンサートに行けませんでしたが。。。それに加えて、なんたってイケメン。いけない。。。。おばはんになっている。これから女将になろうという私なのに(笑)。このお友達は2泊3日の韓国旅行を買い物、エステ、お食事としっかり楽んでこられた様子、今度は私も連れてってね!
京町家 一棟貸し 宮川小町ホームページ:http://miya-koma.com
Miyagawa Komachi, Vacation Rental Home in Kyoto http://miya-koma.com
My friend who live in Tokyo recently took a trip to Korea and sent me the JYJ (former Tohoshinki )calendar and poster she purchased in Korea. Tohoshinki or TVXQ or JYJ is my favorite singer group from Korea. They are native of Korea but sing in perfect Japanese. They are very very popular in Japan as well as in the rest of Asian countries. And they are very handsome as you can see.....
My friend's weekend trip was very busy yet fulfilled with many activities for shopping, eating, and going to spa! How nice, please bring me with you next time you go to Seoul.
さて、このNature Republic in JYJというカレンダー、まあ素敵!東方神起(JYJ)は歌も踊りも日本語も上手な努力家のエンターテイナーです。彼らの歌がこれまたセクシーで切なくてそして活気があり好きなのです。残念ながら一度もコンサートに行けませんでしたが。。。それに加えて、なんたってイケメン。いけない。。。。おばはんになっている。これから女将になろうという私なのに(笑)。このお友達は2泊3日の韓国旅行を買い物、エステ、お食事としっかり楽んでこられた様子、今度は私も連れてってね!
京町家 一棟貸し 宮川小町ホームページ:http://miya-koma.com
Miyagawa Komachi, Vacation Rental Home in Kyoto http://miya-koma.com
My friend who live in Tokyo recently took a trip to Korea and sent me the JYJ (former Tohoshinki )calendar and poster she purchased in Korea. Tohoshinki or TVXQ or JYJ is my favorite singer group from Korea. They are native of Korea but sing in perfect Japanese. They are very very popular in Japan as well as in the rest of Asian countries. And they are very handsome as you can see.....
My friend's weekend trip was very busy yet fulfilled with many activities for shopping, eating, and going to spa! How nice, please bring me with you next time you go to Seoul.
ジュンス、ジェジュン、ユチョンです! |
これは4月のカレンダーです。まあセクシー~~~ |
My favorite fast food in Japan "Mos Burger"
One the way to my vacation rental house in Miyagawa cho, Gion, I stopped at Mos Burger. It is fast and delicious.
If you are not a Japanese, you probably do not know how good the Japanese fast food are. My favorite one is "Mos Burger". Of course they have a beef burger, but what I like is not that one. It's a Pork Katsu with BBQ sauce. They batter pork with flour, egg and breadcrumb and fry it. They have more variety of sandwich like shrimp croquette sandwich, rice with vegetable sandwich, etc. Please try one when you visit in Japan.
If you are not a Japanese, you probably do not know how good the Japanese fast food are. My favorite one is "Mos Burger". Of course they have a beef burger, but what I like is not that one. It's a Pork Katsu with BBQ sauce. They batter pork with flour, egg and breadcrumb and fry it. They have more variety of sandwich like shrimp croquette sandwich, rice with vegetable sandwich, etc. Please try one when you visit in Japan.
Pork sandwich with fried onion&potato, and clam chowder for 690 yen (USD8.00) |
屏風 partation
I bought a partition for my vacation rental home..... this Japanese partition is made of rice paper framed in a wood. Japanese poem are attached to this partition beautifully. It is an antique but quite a good condition. The partition was kept in this shiny wooden box. Believe me, it was very heavy to bring this box back home with my bicycle (I almost cried....). It looks like a Meiji era item per the seller. I am going to put this at the tatami mat room next to the entrance.
beautiful Japanese antique partition with Japanese poem (waka) on it とても状態のよい和歌が貼り付けられた屏風 |
和歌が貼り付けられてます。下地も素敵でしょ! These are Japanese poem, but I do not know exactly what it is said. I need to study my Japanese again??? |
この凄く古そうでつやのある木箱の中に入っていました。 This partition was in this heavy wooden box |
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